We can help with any application to the Court of Protection.
You may want advice or assistance in applying to be appointed as deputy.
If you are already acting as attorney or deputy for an individual, there are a number of reasons why you may need to make an application to the Court of Protection:
• The Office of the Public Guardian may require you to make such an application.
This may be because you have exceeded your authority, and for example, have made gifts on behalf of the person that you were not permitted to make.
You then need to apply to court for retrospective authority
• You may need the court’s permission to take action on behalf of the person.
For example, you may need to sell the person’s house to pay for care home fees, but the LPA or deputyship order does not give you the power to do this.
Or it may be that you wish to be paid for the work you are doing as attorney or deputy, (or wish to pay another close relative for care and support they are providing) and you need permission from the court to set up those payments.
If you need advice in relation to an application to the Court of Protection, please get in touch.