If you don’t make a financial Lasting Power of Attorney (or an Enduring Power of Attorney) and you lose the ability to manage your own finances, an application needs to be made to the Court of Protection.
The court will appoint a “deputy” for you – authorised to manage your property and other financial resources on your behalf. The deputy is supervised in their role by the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG).
If you have a relative or friend who is suitable and willing to act as your deputy – they may be appointed by the court.
We can provide advice on the application process itself, and also support the deputy in their role, once they are appointed.
In other circumstances, an independent professional deputy is appointed.
Sheree Green is an experienced professional deputy and a member of the
OPG specialist panel of deputies. She acts as professional deputy for over 50 men, women, and children.
At Greenchurch, we support individuals to live as independently as possible, and to pursue their own goals, whilst diligently managing their finances for them. We work alongside the person, their family and friends and other professionals, in a cost-effective way, in the best interests of each client.
Chambers 2017 describes Sheree as “an experienced professional deputy and a property and affairs guru, as well as being very good in health and welfare, and mental health”